Operational Health Reporting

Operational Health Reporting

Being able to accurately measure and monitor quality and staying in control of operational performance across facilities can be a challenge. Auros provides an enterprise wide solution to author, collaborate, and cascade a consistent set of Critical to Quality (CTQ) requirements. The application and evaluation of CTQ’s can be dynamically reported by each facility. Auros’s dynamic reporting capabilities allow organizations to identify quality issues earlier and provide resolutions much quicker, resulting in reduced warranty costs and improved customer satisfaction.

Real-time tracking of the “health” of a project at a specific manufacturing facility

Dynamic reports to compare quality across multiple facilities

Reduced warranty costs and increased customer satisfaction

Single repository for CTQ requirements and assessments

Examples of Operational Health Reporting in Auros

Operational Health Reporting Auros 1
CTQs are captured in discrete units of knowledge, called K-PACs, that can be authored, reviewed and evaluated according to specific needs of each business area.
AurosKS Operational Health Reporting
Dynamic reports provide an aggregate view of operational health and “drill-down” capability into specific plant assessment details.

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