- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 4 months ago by
Auros Application Engineer.
Auros Application Engineer
ModeratorMany companies find themselves stuck with a traditional knowledge management process. This generally means a shared electronic space is utilized to share or, more likely, store documents. By nature, the documents in this space are not active; they need to be manually shared or searched for by busy employees. Ultimately, this results in valuable knowledge often going unused due to its passive tendencies. This itself is a problem, however, the focus here will be on the effect it has on the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) involved in the process.
These SMEs are faced with a stagnant system; one that cannot utilize their hard work to its full potential. Over time, motivation dwindles, as users don’t want to dedicate their time to a seemingly futile effort. Enter Auros’ Knowledge Aware process – The Knowledge Aware approach activates knowledge; making it actionable, durable, and granular. This is achieved within Auros by using Assessment Controls.
Assessments counteract the traditional approach’s passive knowledge sharing by providing activated knowledge to users. Information is no longer filed away for employees to search for but, instead, delivered to them when and where they need it. In turn, SMEs see their hard work paying off as it is being utilized by other employees, end up spending less time answering questions repeatedly, and are freed up to work on more advanced projects.
This segment of the Knowledge Aware approach kills two birds with one stone. Valuable knowledge is no longer wasted, sitting in a repository of files, and SMEs are not only avoiding discouragement but gaining both motivation and time.