Standard Work, Methods, and Techniques

Standard Work, Methods, and Techniques

Modeled workflows and procedures can be an effective way to communicate how a work process should be executed. Auros goes beyond the static representation of a process and allows workflows and procedures to be dynamically executed. Relevant knowledge from across the enterprise is collected and provisioned appropriately to the user at each step of the process.

Provides guidance for new or unaware employees

Enterprise knowledge is delivered in the process to positively affect decision making

Provides real-time transparency and historical reference to decisions made

Examples of Standard Work, Methods, and Techniques in Auros

Techniques and Methods
The Auros Method editor makes it easy to capture and manage any workflow or process.
Methods Techniques Auros
Auros Assessment Controls enable the ability to execute the process captured inside Auros Methods. This allows the Method to be evaluated and tracked throughout the projects life.

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